The response to last week’s Aged Care Essentials article, “New Aged Care Commission Rules for 2020: Key Changed Providers Need to Know” was intense.
Residential aged care providers are already stretched, and they’re finding the continuous changes overwhelming and frustrating. Add to that the negative stories in the news and the pressure of a Royal Commission, and you have emotions that are running high.
Carers, not criminals
As one residential aged care provider wrote, “Unannounced visits are actually seen as raids normally conducted for criminals and staff feel stressed to the point where they are leaving this industry in droves.”
Our experience has been that residential aged care providers are dedicated to quality care and are doing their best to keep up with all the change.
But they’re feeling the pressure. The structure of the new Standards means that one ‘not met’ can instantly become multiple ‘not mets’, due to the way the Standards are linked. And with the costs of recovering from a serious sanction being over a million dollars, the pressure on residential aged care providers is real.
Who is YOUR partner in change?
What would it be like to have a partner in all this change?
- a partner who monitored changes in the law and best practice – and alerted you about them
- a partner who updated your policies and procedures – and advised you on what’s changed and what you need to do
- a partner who didn’t just provide you with a product and walk away – but stayed by your side as your guide.
CompliSpace can be that partner.
How CompliSpace has your back
At CompliSpace, we bring what we do best – governance, risk and compliance – to help residential aged care providers do what you do best – caring for consumers and supporting your staff.
We specialise in simplifying compliance challenges so that residential aged care providers can meet the Standards and create demonstrable cultural change. We do this with a solution called CompliCare.
Two things make CompliSpace unique:
- We are partners with our clients, providing support before, during and after implementation of CompliCare
- We monitor changes in the law and best practice – and then update our products and services when change happens, so providers are not only compliant but fully supported throughout the changes required.
Want Proof? Seven changes we’ve made for our Providers due to new ACQCS rules
Here is an example of just some of the changes we’ve made to our clients’ policies, procedures and processes in the last few months, as a result of changes from ACQCS:
- We’ve added additional Continuous Improvement Tools to make it even easier to address the 7 Assessment Questions that the Commission asks during an audit.
- In response to the Commission’s new powers to enter and take any documentation they wish, we have added a new section to our Privacy and Dignity Module titled “Privacy and Visits from the Commission”.
- We have a section in our Corporate Governance Module that outlines the various external reporting obligations for aged care providers, listing them all in one place with what needs to be reported, to whom, by when, and who at the provider is responsible for reporting. The recent update to Notifying material changes for approved providers is incorporated into that table.
- Updated Guidelines from the Commission on Minimising the use of restraints released in December 2019 have been incorporated into our Restraint and Restrictive Practices Policy and Procedure.
- We have developed supporting guides to help you write the ACQCS Self-Assessment document.
- To help you meet the Self-Assessment information and evidence requirements, we are developing specific standard audits aligned to the possible evidence and actions summarised in the Guidance Resource from the ACQSC. Guides to assist you in writing the content of the self-assessment are also included in this process.
- Quality indicator program – we have developed program resources including policy, planning and guide documents.
Do you want a partner in change?
CompliCare can help any residential aged care provider - regardless of size – meet the Aged Care Quality Standards (the Standards).
There are two CompliCare solutions:
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