Aged Care Essentials

Weekly Wrap 26 January

Written by ACE Editorial Team | 30/01/2024

Aged care news highlights from the week ending 26 January 2024, aggregated by Ideagen CompliSpace.

The information in the Weekly Wrap is aggregated from other news sources to provide you with news that is relevant to the aged care sector across Australia and worldwide. Each paragraph is a summary of the subject matter covered in the particular news article. The information does not necessarily reflect the views of Ideagen CompliSpace.



Residential Care and General Aged Care News

Appropriate care levels at 50%, new study finds

According to Aged Care Insite, aged care residents in Australia are receiving on average only half of the appropriate care and even less for other common conditions like depression, a new study has found.


Rich boomers may have to pay more for aged care

According to Aged Care Insite, the Aged Care Task Force has advised that baby boomers who can afford to pay more for aged care should do so. The task force has advised Aged Care Minister Anika Wells to change means-testing for aged care services to require wealthier Australians to pay more out of their pocket.


Albanese tax plan will give average earner $1500 tax cut – more than double Morrison’s Stage 3

According to Aged Care Insite, a person on the average annual wage of $73,000 will get a tax cut of more than $1500 a year under Labor’s revamped tax policy – more than double the cut they’d have received under the Coalition’s legislated stage 3 plan. In the government’s dramatic recalibration of stage 3, the proposed tax cut for those earning more than $200,000 will be slashed in half, from around $9000 to more than $4500.


Provider preview of finance and operations information update

According to the Department of Health and Aged Care, the provider preview of finance and operations information, that will be made available through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS), has been delayed. Residential care and home care providers will be advised of an updated date for the preview shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience. For enquires about the preview see finance and operations resources or email


How to boost healthcare cybersecurity

According to Hospital and Healthcare, a recent independent study of 1100 full-time professionals in cybersecurity, engineering, IT and network management within the healthcare industry revealed valuable insights into how healthcare institutions are currently addressing the cybersecurity challenges brought about by digital transformation.


Qld aged care one of the first to join labour migration program

According to Aged Care Insite, Queensland aged care provider Lutheran Services has become one of the first in the sector to join the federal government's Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement. The agreement aims to help alleviate critical workforce shortages by attracting skilled carers from overseas.


Curbing violence against health workers

According to Hospital and Healthcare, there has been a disturbing surge in violence against healthcare workers and professionals in social assistance roles in recent years. Reports indicate that individuals in these sectors in Australia are up to 2.5 times more likely to experience workplace injuries compared to workers in other fields, with healthcare workers ranking as the highest risk profession for violence-related injury.


Aged care quality ratings ‘nonsensical’, says former health policy analyst

According to The Mandarin, almost three years after the aged care royal commission’s final report, Charles Maskell-Knight reckons we still aren’t using the right tools to fix the system. The retired Department of Health veteran and health policy analyst said the quality star ratings are making it harder for consumers to understand whether their aged care facility is any good — the opposite of what they’re meant to do.


Urgent care clinics open up nationwide

According to Aged Care Insite, the Albanese Government's early campaign promise of establishing more than 50 urgent care clinics (UCC) has taken shape as 58 UCCs are now open across Australia. Health Minister Mark Butler said the UCCs were starting to deliver care seven days a week for extended hours, taking much-needed pressure off emergency departments.



Home Care News

No significant developments this week.




Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Outbreak Management Support Supplement) Instrument 2024 [CTH] – commenced 23 January 2024

The Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Outbreak Management Support Supplement) Instrument 2024 (Amending Instrument) amends aged care subordinate legislation to provide for a new supplement (the outbreak management support supplement) to be paid in respect of care recipients receiving residential care and flexible care through a multi-purpose service. The aim of the outbreak management support supplement is to better assist approved providers of residential care with outbreak management support for care recipients.

The outbreak management support supplement will apply in respect of care recipients (who are subject to the Aged Care Act and its legislative instruments) and continuing residential care recipients (who are subject to the Transitional Provisions Act and its legislative instruments).

The Amending Instrument also adjusts the formula used to calculate the amount of flexible care subsidy payable in respect of flexible care that is provided through a multi purpose service to better assist these providers in their provision of outbreak management support for care recipients.


Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Act 2023 (No. 38 of 2023) [SA] – commences 1 March 2024

This Act seeks to amend the Advance Care Directives Act to improve the functioning of the advance care directive legislation in South Australia.


Advance Care Directives (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulations 2024 (No. 2 of 2024) [SA]   - commences 1 March 2024

The Advance Care Directives Regulations 2014 are amended by inserting "Regulation 4A—Electronic copies of advance care directives"; amending "regulation 5—Giving advance care directives"; amending "regulation 8—Appointment of substitute decision-makers"; amending "regulation 9—Copies of advance care directives"; amending "regulation 12—Interstate advance care directives and corresponding laws"; substitution of "regulation 12A—Exemption from requirement to give effect to advance care directives where suicide attempt or self-harm"; substituting "Schedule 1—List of suitable witnesses".